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Available Apps


  • AWS - Write to S3 Bucket Allows batch processing and writing batch of events to an AWS bucket
  • GCP - Write to bucket Allows batch processing and writing batch of events to an GCP bucket
  • MongoDB - Write to collection Allows writing events to MongoDB
  • MySQL - Write to table Write data to configured any MySQL table
  • Postgres - Write to table Allows batch processing and writing batch of events to Postgres database table.
  • Sendgrid - Send an email Send an email via Sendgrid
  • Sendgrid - Send email using template Send an email via Sendgrid using templates defined
  • Sendgrid - Add user to Contacts Add user to Contacts in Sendgrid.
  • ServiceNow - Add work notes to Incident Adds provided text as work notes to an incident
  • ServiceNow - Create an Incident Creates an incident in ServiceNow
  • Slack - Send message to a Channel Send a message to a Slack channel or user using webhooks
  • Snowflake - Write to Table Sample implementation to write batch of events to a Snowflake table
  • Stripe - Create Customer Create a customer entity in Stripe
  • Teams - Send a message Send message to Microsoft Teams using webhooks
  • Twilio - Send Text Message Send text message using Twilio
  • Twilio - Send Whatsapp message Send Whatsapp message using Twilio
  • Webhooks - Send event to URL Setup any URL as a web hook to receive events from Pipelines


  • Clear null props Clears out any null properties from the ingested event
  • Drop events from pipeline Drop events from the pipeline
  • IP to Location Use geoip-lite to resolve IP address to a physical location
  • OpenAI - Extract keywords Extract keywords from provided text
  • OpenAI - TL;DR Summary Create TL;DR summary for provided text
  • OpenAI - Analyze Incident Analyze provided text/logs and explain in simple terms
  • Redact SSN from event Checks all properties in the event and redacts any SSN numbers using regex
  • Sample 5% events Allows ~5% of the events to pass through the pipeline.