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Introduction is an integration and data platform that helps setup integrations between services quickly and easily. Data from Source systems can be sent via simple HTTP calls to be processed in one or multiple pipelines. Each pipeline can be composed of javascript based Transformations to mutate or enrich the data and then be sent to Destination services.

Getting Started

To setup the platform on your local machine:


  • Docker installed and running.
  1. Run git clone
  2. Update the property values in .env file. Ensure that secrets, crypto keys, passwords you use are complex, random and secure.
  3. Run docker compose up to start the platform.
  4. Required docker images will be downloaded and the server will start up in few mins.
  5. Access the service at http://localhost/

APP_URL value in .env defines the default port for running the service. If port 80 is not available, change the value to a different value in .env file.

Setting up on DigitalOcean

  1. Login to your DigitalOcean account.
  2. Create a new droplet and login to the server.
  3. Install docker on the server.
  4. Run git clone
  5. Update the property values in .env file.
  6. Run docker compose up -d to start the platform.
  7. The server should be accessible at http://<your droplet ip>

To setup a custom domain for accessing your service.

  1. Login to your DNS configuration and create a new A record for a domain e.g. to map to your droplet's IP address.
  2. Update .env file in your droplet. Change APP_URL property value to your domain
  3. Run docker compose restart
  4. If the service is accessible, SSL certificates would automatically be provisioned for the domain and the service will be accessible via the domain url at


Login to your Service using the following default credentials. Update the .env file to change the default setup password.

Username: [email protected]
Password: bar

Navigate to Users page and create a new user in your instance.


The default credentials will only work during the initial setup until at least one user record is created. The service will no longer be accessible via the default credentials once a user record is created.

We strongly recommend immediately creating a new user as soon as a platform instance is setup.